Big Data Storage Consultants


Big Data and

Scale-Out Storage


Netscion has delivered an extensive range of technology solutions to businesses for over 20 years from consultancy through to deployment and on-going support.

Scale-out storage EMIR, Big data storage UK, Scale-out storage consultants, Quantum stornext installer

We now focus on providing consultancy, installation, configuration and technical support for Quantum StorNext both Filesystem and Storage Manager. In addition, we solve big data issues like:

  • Troubleshooting problem systems with latency, bandwidth and access control issues.

  • Ecosystem design.

  • Integrating systems into workflow.

  • Data migration.

  • Technology refresh.

If you have big data and need scale-out storage, we have an excellent proven track record of delivering projects that work and are on time - giving the solution and workflow your business really needs.